5k Teacher

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Classroom Makeover Wish List

Every year I seem to be "switching" rooms so I am really excited to be in the same room this coming school year.

Here are some of the ideas I have found that I plan to use in making over my room. What do you think? Also, what are you doing in your room to make it organized?

I love this organization. I have already purchased a lot of the crates, binders etc. needed for each group. I still need to purchase the book shelves.

What a beauty. I have longed for ways to make "take our your math journal"--simple. This is easy and I cannot wait to see how it goes this year.

Love how there is a designated place for all anchor charts. Why didn't I think of this?

Wow! Such a clean and organized look

Great way for those early finisher's

More to come blog friends!

Can't wait to take pictures.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Tuesday!!!

My TRWPDI Friends and I have been working hard on our project, which we are presenting this afternoon. Since we are finished I figured I would update you on what we have been up to.

We were to update an existing unit we teach and include technology. Simple enough. My team chose our Underground Railroad Unit. Here is a link to our lesson

I am discussing how to use Glogster in our classrooms for my group

Here is my glog!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Hey y'all Click here is what I was up to today at the Tar River Writing Project Technology Workshop...http://screencast.com/t/a2EhQNnE Enjoy!

I am from

Here is what I have been up to at the TRWPDI12 Workshop

Monday: Where I'm From

We used voice thread to create a digital version of our poem

Tuesday: Word Mapping


Thursday:Historian Report

My day to be historian...check out my report! I created a prezi first and then used Jing to screen cast the enter report.


Check out my tweet of the day...Writing Map. This is a fabulous activity to see what kids writing processes are. I plan to do this at the beginning of the school year and at the end to see how they grow and evolve as writers.

Can't wait to write about next week at TRWPDI12!

Top Pins

I love Pinterest...I absolutely LOVE pinterest. I love even more when my workshop requires...wait...yes, requires me to get on Pinterest. Here are my top 5 pins.


Great way for my "tickets out the door"


Love this self assessment...fabulous to end a lesson or activity


Why didn't I think of this?!?!?


Fabulous new way to post objectives


I love Guided Math!!

Happy Pinning Blog Buds Can't wait to post my historian report for class tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Digital Literacy

Hey guys! I am back from my long hiatus...boy, have I missed blogging. With everything the end of the year brings my poor blog had to take a back seat.

The past two days I have been in a Digital Literacy workshop and it has been amazing! When I originally found out I was accepted into this workshop and it was 2 weeks long I was a little skeptical. However, on day one I was floored by its awesomeness.

We began our day by reading Where I'm From by George Ella Lyon. We recorded our thoughts on Evernote. Evernote is an amazing way students can electronically record their thoughts, feelings, notes etc. My school is going to be a technology pilot school (HOLLA) so I was immediately engaged.

After we read the article and recorded we then listened to the poet read the poem. This two step process really helped turn my prospective on what the poet meant for certain stanzas. The workshop leaders then challenged us to write our own version using Evernote. To take it a step further we then had to record our poems using pictures and words using Voice Thread.. After playing around with Voice Thread I was amazed by all the lesson possibilities that could incorporate this technology.

Anways...times to start day 3! Will post more Digital Literacy resources later in the week.

Here is my voice thread

Whats I've been up to: